Clean up crew?


Active Member
I personally would recommend
180 Hermits, scarlet legs preferably, but if you have to mix, do not get blue legs, they work good but are too agressive.
30 Mexican Turbo snails
100 nassarius snails
30 cerith snails
1 queen conch
Some kind of Jawfish
5 emerald crabs
5 cleaner shrimp
May not be accurate, but that's what I would personally get.


Active Member
Ok, before either one of you go out and get the things I mention, I would suggest also checking a few other opinions as well. Everything I'm naming off is just me doing calculations in my head of what I think would do well for your systems.
For a 55 gallon:
40-60 hermits, same type recommendation as Asbury's
20 Mexican turbo's
40-60 nassarius snails
20 ceriths
1 fighting conch, maybe two but I'm not sure if they get along in pairs
3-5 cleaner shrimp
2-3 emerald crabs
Both of yall could probably bump up the number of cleaner shrimp, these include peppermints, and scarlet cleaners plus some other species.
I would also recommend that both of you look into purchasing a detrivore kit. This will come with many creatures that are beneficial to your sand beds. However look through it first, because some of these kits some with sand SIFTING creatures instead of SHIFTING creatures. When you buy a sifting creature it is sifting trying to find food, which just happens to be the little additional creatures that come with your detrivore kit.


i noticed all these people talk about having 60 hermit crabs in a 55 gallon tank. im new at saltwater but that seems like having waaay too many hermit crabs. are these things really small or something? whats the deal? i have 5 hermit crabs in my 100 gallon right now and i could NOT imagine having 60 of those things in my tank. it just seems like alot of hermits


ya thats kinna what i figured. i got 5 regular hermit crabs and one of them is huge. its about as big as someones fist.


Active Member
Like I said "Everything I'm naming off is just me doing calculations in my head of what I think would do well for your systems."
I am still learning some of the janitors, but I figured since no one else was answering your post, I would do my best.


Active Member
oh i know thank you nick you were alot of help to i dont think yours was all that bad but that was alot of hermit though.


Active Member
oh ok thank you i learned more today from you than i have in school today thank you for ur little lesson lol