Clean Up In Aisle 4 - Hair Algea?


What's the best way to keep Hair Algea under control? We've got some growing, but it's not out of control yet. Actually I like the way it waves in the water. But I know from reading on different boards that it can get out of control and be a huge PITA to contain - yes?
What's the best way to keep it under control then?
We have blue legged and red legged hermits, emerald crabs, shrimp and snails and none of them are interested in eating it. Although, once in a while the emeralds will take it down a little in some spots.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sorcha
What's the best way to keep Hair Algea under control? We've got some growing, but it's not out of control yet. Actually I like the way it waves in the water. But I know from reading on different boards that it can get out of control and be a huge PITA to contain - yes?
What's the best way to keep it under control then?
We have blue legged and red legged hermits, emerald crabs, shrimp and snails and none of them are interested in eating it. Although, once in a while the emeralds will take it down a little in some spots.

the very best way if you can find one is to get a seahare. those thigns will clean every inch of the rock on its own in a day or so. but after the hair algea is gone it will die so its best to have one from a tank as a loaner for a few days.
algae blennys or (lawnmower blenny) are also great helpers. they really go to town and are super fun to watch. also unlike to above seahare they are a great all around addition to a tank.


I had a real bad hair algea problem a while back. I got a big clean up crew, 'lot of snails'.I changed out my lights, got a R/O-D/I, I do a 10% water change once a week, and cut way back on feeding. My tank looks great now. This worked for me, hope you find the right combo for you.


Thank you all for the advice!
I'll echo one of the questions on here - what exactly is a seahare?
Lawnmower Blenny, huh? Would a Midas Blenny do the same? That's on my list of fish I want when we get the 92 gallon corner. (Which we're ordering today!!)
The threads on the Algone sound great. Our tank is no where near that bad, so it might be worth the investment to be sure it doesn't go there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sorcha
Thank you all for the advice!
I'll echo one of the questions on here - what exactly is a seahare?
Lawnmower Blenny, huh? Would a Midas Blenny do the same? That's on my list of fish I want when we get the 92 gallon corner. (Which we're ordering today!!)
The threads on the Algone sound great. Our tank is no where near that bad, so it might be worth the investment to be sure it doesn't go there.
i do not think the midas would do as good as job as a lawnmower. i know those guys are kind of ugly at first but trust me they grow on you. they are like little grumpy old men in your tank lol


Lawnmower Blenny's:
When I had a SW tank on Okinawa like 15 years ago... I used to catched them all the time to put in my tank (Lion fish kept eatting them)...
They were really cool fish to watch. Ugly as a wet dog's hind end, but cool fish none the less.
I didn't know what they were called, so I called them Cricket Fish
(I thought they kinda looked like grasshoppers).


Active Member
Grow macroalgae in a refugium--even a small hang on refugium. It will deprive the algae in the tank of the nutrients it needs to grow. It will also lower nitrates. The only way to fly.


Active Member
I added another 20 regular hermits, 4 very large hermits, 1 urchin and a lawnmower and I can start to see a difference in just 2 days.

Tested for PO4 all is clear. :thinking: