Cleaner Clam light requirements?


New Member
I noticed cleaner clams were reccommended for refugiums. Do they have a lower light requirement than Tridacnas?
I read T. Squamosa has lower light requirements than the other Tridacnas. Would the following be sufficient for a Squamosa?
I have a 24 gal. nano reef with 50/50 10K PC with 3 watts/gal. I would like to put a couple of cleaner clams in to help with nitrates.
P. S. Do Flame scallops eat nitrates?


In my opinion you need more intense lighting to keep any type of Tridacna. I don't believe flame scallops last very long in reef tanks. If you are looking to reduce nitrates your best bet is to have a good variety of macro algea in your refugium.


Active Member
cleaner clams do not require any lighting. In fact, they will bury themselves and you will never see them.
flame scallops do not eat nitrates.