Cleaner Clam light requirements?


New Member
I noticed cleaner clams were reccommended for refugiums. Do they have a lower light requirement than Tridacnas?
I read T. Squamosa has lower light requirements than the other Tridacnas. Would the following be sufficient for a Squamosa?
I have a 24 gal. nano reef with 50/50 10K PC with 3 watts/gal. I would like to put a couple of cleaner clams in to help with nitrates.
P. S. Do Flame scallops eat nitrates?


Active Member
Neither cleaner clams nor flame scallops are photosynthectic, so you could keep them in complete darkness if u really wanted to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bailiwick

I noticed cleaner clams were reccommended for refugiums. Do they have a lower light requirement than Tridacnas?
I read T. Squamosa has lower light requirements than the other Tridacnas. Would the following be sufficient for a Squamosa?
I have a 24 gal. nano reef with 50/50 10K PC with 3 watts/gal. I would like to put a couple of cleaner clams in to help with nitrates.
P. S. Do Flame scallops eat nitrates?
i heard flame scallops are hard to keep


Active Member
not really-I had an electric flame scallop for 1 year in my old did great. It was big when I got it and they only have a wild life span of 2 mine lived a very long life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
not really-I had an electric flame scallop for 1 year in my old did great. It was big when I got it and they only have a wild life span of 2 mine lived a very long life.
o but they will die soon