cleaner clam


Active Member
I have 2 of them and have no problems... They are filter feeders which makes them good for tanks. All mine do is bury down into my substrate. I don't think you would have a problem with your plenum. But it's always good to have a screen over it of some kind so that your fish don't get sucked up.


Active Member
I have tried cleaner clams in my set up with mixed results. From what I have gathered most of what you find are not really suited for tropical waters and tend to prefer cooler waters. I added 6 to my fuge about a year ago and lost 3 in the first month and another 2 about 6 months later and I stil have one that is alive. If you add them be sure to keep an eye on them cus if they die you'll want to get them out asap.


if you have a 'fuge then they might work for you, i just added my 'fuge to my sump and i think they will be added to my 'fuge because they help keep your nitrates down


Originally Posted by Jmick
If you add them be sure to keep an eye on them cus if they die you'll want to get them out asap.
On my last post, since i am looking to add them to my 'fuge, what do they look like or what are signs of a dead cleaner clam?
sorry to steal the thread


Active Member
reefkprz posted a thread on cleaner clams and from what research he's done they are pretty pointless to have.


New Member
did you ever get an answer to ur question: On my last post, since i am looking to add them to my 'fuge, what do they look like or what are signs of a dead cleaner clam?