cleaner clams


New Member
Do the cleaner clams that they have on this site need strong lite? I only have compacts-will they be ok? Do the cleaner clams work to lower nitrates? Thanks


Active Member
They do not neeed any light at all. They do lower nitrates as they feed, but not in significant amounts IMO.


Active Member
How high is high? Do you have a skimmer? How often are your water changes...and what kind of water do you use?


New Member
My nitrates run around 40+. I do a monthly water change of 25-30 gal of RO/DI water. All my fish and inverts and the few corals I have do fine. My LFS said as long as my phosphates are at zero I shouldn't get to excited about the higher nitrates.


Active Member
Go to the grocery store and buy some cherry clams on ice for around 50 cents. Put them in a bucket of saltwater when you get home and wait for them to spit out some dirty water. After they do this, they are safe to add to your tank and you have just saved a bunch of money :)


New Member
gee-thanks for the tip. I will go out tomorrow and see if I can find them. The cherry clams are the same as the cleaner clams they have on this site? I know this sounds really dumb, but I stir my sand by hand and if the clams hide in the sand and if I touch them will they bite?


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Go to the grocery store and buy some cherry clams on ice for around 50 cents. Put them in a bucket of saltwater when you get home and wait for them to spit out some dirty water. After they do this, they are safe to add to your tank and you have just saved a bunch of money :)

Hey Mud,
When I got the clam, I swear it looked like the ones we eat!!! Have you tried this or have you heard about this in expensive way to get clams?
Fishy, the clams don't really look as if they bite. They actually snap shut really quick with any noise or movement near them. If anything, it would snap shut and if your hands are really near by, they may get caught. They don't -- well at least mine doesnt open big enough to put a pinky in it!
Let me know if Muds technique work. If I was in Hawaii, I can go to the market and get some, can't find much in LExington!!


Active Member
There is a thread somewhere on this site about people who have done it. I'm talking about like 7 or 8 people who have done it, even the sharks. Trust me, it works :)