Cleaner Clams

I found a site with 60 of them for $46.30 shipped and just ordered some so if I the are any extra I will be trading of or sellin if anyone is interested! :thinking:


Originally Posted by fishtanknewbie
I found a site with 60 of them for $46.30 shipped and just ordered some so if I the are any extra I will be trading of or sellin if anyone is interested! :thinking:
That is less than .77 cents. You can clams cheaper?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
:joy: :D
you can pick the same ones up at the grocery store for a lot less
Are you serious. I didnt know that.


Originally Posted by bergamer
:joy: :D
you can pick the same ones up at the grocery store for a lot less
Clam Bake at bergamer house!!!! :jumping:


Active Member
i bought clams at a seafood shops and they are alive and well in my tank for over a year!
my buddy who told me about it has had the same ones for a couple of years.
btw, they were packed in ice!!!
and if you do search on cleaner clamson this site, I have directions on how to wake them up from their frozen sleep.
although they hide underneath the sand, they are really cool bc shoot out water and you see just spirts coming out of your sand.
although if you want that many- it might not be a bad idea the deal you are getting simply bc the mortality rate will be a lot higher on the store bought ones verses the ones that you will be buying