cleaner clams


im thinking of getting clams for my 90 gall many and what kind....also i know they dont have to be acclimated...i heard they had to be do you do that?....can you get them from a grocery store?


Active Member
they have to be temp acclimated and burped. most cleaner clams like cherrystone clams for example are from colder water, so if you just burp them and put them in your tank theyll most likely die.


Good question, what is burping and I saw live clams at my grocery store, is this what we put in the tank as cleaner clams? How many for a 90 gallon? Sorry to jump in on your thread


Active Member
id say start off with 3 and see if they live. burping is where you put the clam in a container of water and wait for it to release any water it has inside it, so that the clam doesnt expel this water into your tank. people do this so the clam doesnt bring bacteria or something bad into there tank.
and yea, just buy like cherrystone clams or something from the grocery store, they should be like 30 cents each


Active Member
A lot of us have them in our tanks. They are a great addition to a tank or sump/fuge.
When you get them, get nice small clams that are not open.
Have the sale guy place them in a bag with air. They have been sitting on ice so you need to dry float the bag for and hour then drip acclimate them for another hour.
After the total acclimation is done place them in the tank. Once they are acclimated to the tank completely they will eventual move around and only open up a little bit.
When they die a couple of things could/will happen.
One it will either pop open or just slowly open up and then your clean up crew will be all over it.
Two it will start to float or become buoyant. In that case your clean up drew will be in the area trying to get a hold of that meaty meal again.


so what about burping the clams? do you do that as well? do you need vho lighting or special lighting?


just put in bag and float in your tank for 1/2 hr and then add water in bag from tank,this will burp if not dont worry, and float again then put in tank. i have about 6-7. stick in sand,some shell sticking out. this will lower your nitrates too. get white clam in supermarket. if they are closed which is all they sell then they are alive... or you can go clamming with licence down at island beach,nj and get them all you want


I bought 3 for $2.50 about a month ago. I put them in a cup with tank water til they burped and dropped them in. I didn't acclimate them much but they seem to be doing fine. Two of them stay hidden and the other one is always in a different spot in the tank. They are the white ones, slightly larger than cherry clams. Was all they had.