Cleaner clams???


Do cleaner clams need light? and can they be kept in a 12 gallon. i read that they reduce nitrates when they feed. if they dont need light can they be kept in the filter compartments in the back of the aquarium? :notsure:


Active Member
Just dont bother with them. They are supposed to be cold water clams and prefer very deep sandbeds. They dont do very well in captivity and although the ones that live do reduce nitrates, the ones that die, do so in your sandbed and most people never find them. (huge spike in a 12g) Just go the regular route and reduce your trates with water changes supplemented by a fuge. Chaeto and caulurpa reduce nitrates and dont require any care.


Active Member
I agree they need deep sand beds.
There are species (look up quahogs, specifically M. campechiensis ), found from Jersey to Texas. They do fine in a SW tank.
To answer your original question; They burrow and filter feed by sticking their syphon out of the sand. They do not need strong lighting.