cleaner crew help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a 3 foot 58 gallon tank. I have 50 lbs of LR in at and 50 lbs of LS. Today ijust added 6 damsels to cycle the tank. I want ot get the 30-90 gallon reef package. When do should i get the package? After the cycle? During the cycle? or should i already have them in?


most people will tell you to wait until the cycle is complete before adding any critters. :happyfish


Active Member
omg, you added 6 damsels. regardless that you're killing them by lettin gthem breathe in toxic ammonia while your tank cycles, you're going to have one hell of a time 1) keeping any other fish 2) getting them out.


Active Member
Wait to get the package until your tank is cycled.
As has been said above. I would take the damsels back to the fish store for 3 reasons. 1) You shouldn't cycle your tank with live animals you are essentially putting them in a vat of poisen and hoping they will survive. 2) If they do survive they will be a menace on all other fish you want to put in a tank. 3) A 58 isn't that big for a saltwater tank, you won't be able to add many more fish if you already have 6 fish in there.
If you have live rock (which is essential to a saltwater system) you shouldn't need to add fish to a system to cycle it.
Also, it's suggested that you only add 1 or 2 fish at a time to let your tank catch up to the extra bio load and they dominance dynamics settle in.
I would start by reading the Concientious Marine Aquarist if you haven't already read a book on saltwater keeping.
-Good luck, trying slowing down a bit to make sure you are making the best decisions...


the water is fine, the ph is a tiny bit high. All other tests are good. The sand was in for 2 weeks. The live rock has been in for 5 days. I will take them out with some methods i have heard of.