Cleaner crew with aggressives? (ex. lionfish)


Active Member
Would I get turbo snails and hermit crabs? I cant keep cleaner shrimp with lionfish, is that going to be a problem with a reef setup?
Originally Posted by lil.guppy
Would I get turbo snails and hermit crabs? I cant keep cleaner shrimp with lionfish, is that going to be a problem with a reef setup?
The hermits will kill your turbo snails...
What exactly are you asking about the reef setup?


I have hermit crabs and Mexican Turbo Snails (the large ones) and they do fine with my agressive setup. Nassarius snails get eaten by my puffer though and so do the Astrea snails.


Active Member
A CUC, contrary to all the good dealer marketing, is certainly not a necessarry part of any set-up. IMO & IME.
Originally Posted by RCreations
I have hermit crabs and Mexican Turbo Snails (the large ones) and they do fine with my agressive setup. Nassarius snails get eaten by my puffer though and so do the Astrea snails.
Are your hermits small?


Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
Are your hermits small?
No, the small ones usually disappear. But the larger ones are ok, like the red and strawberry hermits. I also have a bunch of hermits in my sump and fuge. They help clean parts that I can't get to.


Active Member
Fish that tend to shallow food whole, like lion's and groupers, most shelled animals are fine. There have been reports where people have seen lions 'suck a hermit right out of it's shell.' But it's very hard to digest the shell, so most snails stay safe. However shrimp are fair game

Fish with teeth, wrasses, puffers, triggers, hawkfish, keeping a CUC is pretty tough as they tend to like anything that moves. As mentioned by SR. a CUC is generally unnecessary, and most people fall back on them, and start to neglect general maintanence.