Cleaner gone missing....


So, been having giant outbreaks of algae. I've got in the tank (50 gal) a Prizm protein skimmer, Cascade 1200 for water circulation, and the Emperor 400. All water parameters at 0, except for nitrates which are at 10. Tank runs at 78 degrees, 1.025 salinity, p.h = 8.4. Living in the tank are 2 true percs, emerald crab, 3 anemones, about 20 snails, and 5 blue legged hermits, sand sifting star. So on to the point, I had 2 cleaner shrimp (at separate points in time) and for some reason they keep going missing. I always drip acclimate them for 3 hours, they do great in the tank for weeks, then all of a sudden just disappear out of nowhere. No remains left behind or anything. I even took everything out of the tank b/c I am changing the CC to live sand to see if that helps prevent some of the horrible algae. Also, I had a damsel that went missing, no remains from that either. Is there something eating them? If so what could it be and how could it have not eaten the clowns b/c they are the same sizes as the damsel was. Any help would be great, thanks.