cleaner or coral banded


Active Member
I would like to add a shrimp to my tank. I want something that will "not" bother my corals like my camel back did in the past and get along with the rest of the crew in the tank. Would you pick a cleaner or coral banded shrimp?


Active Member
Debbie I am a newbie to this, but I love my little Skunk- Cleaner guy. All he ever does is be a good little guy. Reef safe all the way from what I have read...Warren


Active Member
Thank you for your reply.....
I do love these shrimp too, I am leaning more towards the cleaner shrimp but would just like everyones's opinion so I get the right one.


I got rid of my Coral Banded Shrimp. It would attack my fish! I love the cleaner shrimp. It is fun to watch the cleaner shrimp clean your fish. Its like having a doctor in your aquarium at all times and the fish know that!


Cleaner because they the only one that walk around rocks and all other shrimp are seem stay inside.


Active Member
No I don't think that would be wise as my tank is a 25 gal, it sure would add some excitement though. One is enough....


Originally Posted by Eaglephot
I got rid of my Coral Banded Shrimp. It would attack my fish! I love the cleaner shrimp. It is fun to watch the cleaner shrimp clean your fish. Its like having a doctor in your aquarium at all times and the fish know that!

I had the same problem so I put him in my tank that had a Volitan Lion fish, needless to say the next day he was gone.
The coral banded shrimp are agressive, eating snails, hermi's and other shrimp as well as trying to grab fish, and eating them if they are small enough for him to catch.


I have both, and if it is bothering corals you are worried about then I have more issues with my cleaner. Since the CBS mostly hides he seems to leave the coral alone.
The cleaner on the other hand likes to walk all over the corals and really bothers my zoos, goniopora, and even my leather toadstool. Especially at feeding time, he goes nuts and runs all over everything in my tank causing many of the corals to retract.
If it is action in the tank you want I would go with the cleaner, but you may want to be a little careful if you have sensitive coral. In most cases I think you would be fine either way.


Active Member
I have 2 cleaners and 2 pepps and all are happy. Kepp them well fed and you should have no issues.
ohh forgot I have a mantis that I have been trying to catch for 4 months now also.


Active Member
Yikes, this is what i was afraid of. My camel back did that too. Run all over everything and my mushrooms were always retracting. Might have to think about this for a while. I just got a new toadstool frag and it is doing so well I would hate for anything to happen to it.
Thanks everyone.....


sounds like you have a beautiful tank. The cleaner shrimp (skunk shriimp) would not only be a great addition of color and activity, but works as a great medic to prevent disease. I've read somewhere to purchase the small to medium size shrimp which tend to be more active towards cleaning you fish!! Good Luck, Qbnfreek -California


Active Member
The only thing that has me worried is that if they pick at my mushrooms and toadstool????
I also want to add some ricordia in this tank but if there is a chance that the cleaner shrimp would be picking at them then I might think twice about getting one.
My second option was a Brittle Star(spiny). These guys are cool.


I had a coral shrimp and he took a hughe bite out of my bubble coral I was pissed and took him back to the store.


Active Member
I have a cleaner shrimp (striped skunk) and a Fire shrimp in my tank. I love them both while the fire is more reclusive the skunk is always popping in and out. And like stated above sometimes he ticks off some of my corals by walking on them. but the personality far beyond makes up for it. at feeding time I sometimes take pellet food and pinch it between my fingers and he will come up and eat right out of my hand. when I managed the pet store (that shall remain un-named) I would come home and mess with my tank sometimes he would come up and "clean" my hand. maybe from whatever flavors remained from the tanks at work. the first time he did this it scared the bejeezus out of me.. *S* Since then I got more careful about being clean (washing between work and home) so I didnt cross contaminate. So in summary I would vote cleaner. but either is a great addition to a reef tank.


Active Member
Okay, well then I might still think about it. It will be a toss up now between the Cleaner Shrimp or the Brittle Star.


I would go with the shrimp. Brittle stars are nice but sometimes have a habbit of eating things they arent supposed to (ie. firefish and snails). The Star will also hide most of the time the lights are on. As for the shrimp choice I have a Coral banded and love him. He has a ton of personality and though he does sometimes try to attack the fish in my tank he has yet to be successful. I have not had a problem with him bothering any of my corals either. No matter what you decide though either shrimp are great additions.