Cleaner Package Question


New Member
I have a newly cycled 75 gal tank and an established 75 gal. tank. I ordered a 30 to 90 gal reef package with the intention of putting 1/2 of the package in each tank. Testing the H2o tonight the amonia is 0 the nitrite is 0.3 to 0. Should I continue with my original plan or just put the entire package in the established tank.


Originally Posted by hdross
I have a newly cycled 75 gal tank and an established 75 gal. tank. I ordered a 30 to 90 gal reef package with the intention of putting 1/2 of the package in each tank. Testing the H2o tonight the amonia is 0 the nitrite is 0.3 to 0. Should I continue with my original plan or just put the entire package in the established tank.
I would put it all in the established tank and acclimate things over as they are needed. A newly cycled tank has nothing to offer a CC.