Cleaner shrimp being attacked?


New Member
My cleaner shrimp keeps having his tentacles or "whiskers" I am guessing bit off by something in my tank?
I have a yellow tang, a long nosed hawkfish, barbershop goby, two clown gobies, a kole tang, and two peppermint shrimp.
I have never seen any of the fish attack the cleaner shrimp. And the only aggressive fish is the yellow tang. When I have my hand in the tank he is constantly backing up with his scalpal trying to cut my hand.
Any guesses? Water conditions are exact and I cant figure it out.


New Member
I came out of my room and was standing watching the tank without the fish realizing I was there. It was the yellow tang. The shrimp was hiding under a rock and his tentacles were out from under the ledge. The tang went down and grabbed one and ripped it off.
I got the tang out of the tank and now the shrimp hangs out right in the middle of the tank in plain view.


Active Member
My yellow tang does the same thing. I don't think it's actually trying to eat the shrimp, just sees the antenna as a piece of alage or something?
Mine has dragged the shrimp across the tank not realizing there's something attached lol. I wouldn't worry it too much, they grow back rather quick.