Cleaner Shrimp Die of Sadness?


Hey everyone have had my tank for a little over a year 28 gl. Unfortunately had to move...with all the suggestions from this board (thank you by the way) I was able to move the tank using rubber maid. Immediately though when I took one of my cleaner shrimp out and into the rubbermaid he died (all of this was done immediately so there was no change in water temp. Anyway long story short I got to the new place. My 2 Perculas.. The 3 MArgarita Snails... and the 1 shrimp all looked fine and where placed in my new apt. I noticed however my one shrimp left. Went and hid under a rock.. But wouldnt come out for feeding he was always really active. The clowns all look good and the snails.. I figured he was lonely went to the LFS to get another and all they had was one that was extremely small... So I didnt get it.. But I got some coral and 1 Sand Sifting Goby (Banded). Well the shrimp still wouldnt come out to feed... and seemed.. how should I say sad.. They where always together.. Anyway I found him dead today. Poor Guy... Anyone else had similar experiences. Any suggestions for some cool shrimp to add.. They where my first inhabitants.. I really liked them :( Tank is 28 gallons..2 Perculas. 1 Banded Goby.. 3 margarita and 2 nassarius snails.. Thats it. Ive always tried to keep it to a minimum!


Active Member
Designer inverts like the cleaner shrimp, are probably the most senstive creatures in a tank. You just moved the tank? What did you do about the sand/rocks, new or old stuff? It sounds like something changes in the tank's chemistry and the cleaner took the hit. Whatever it was likely affected the other shrimp, just took longer.