Cleaner Shrimp - Good ick fighters???


I have a new saltwater setup that is 3 weeks old. I seeded the tank with 160 lbs live sand and 75 lbs live rock. The cycle completed about 5 days ago. I then added a Dragon Goby, Green Serpent Star and a Yellow Eye Tang (aka Kole Tang). Well the Tang has a mild case of ick which was not noticed until after he was in my tank. I have heard that buying cleaner shrimp is a good treatment for ick, what's your opinion?


I personally believe that cleaner shrimp work better in pairs. I have two tangs in my reef tank (yellow & hippo) and when I see white spots on them, they are gone the next morning. I believe this to be because of my cleaner shrimp. I just recently started a 150 gallon FO tank and have two cleaner shrimp in that tank as well with an emperor angel, queen angel, coral beauty and 6 green chromis. So far so good there as well.


I put in three cleaner shrimp about 20 minutes ago and they are already going to town on the minor ick outbreak on my Kole Tang. This is OUTSTANDING!!! I love nature at work!!! :p :) :D ;) :D :D :D