Cleaner shrimp harrassing my RBTA


New Member
Has anyone had a problem with their cleaner shrimp constantly harrassing their anemone? He's always either poking it with the antennas or stealing food and it's about to end up in a 10 gallon if he doesnt back off.

I assume he's not "cleaning" the anemone but this is my first experience with an anemone so maybe I shouldn't worry about it.
The RBTA will pull back whenever the shrimp is picking it at but so far hasn't shown any other negative signs of stress or health issues. Like I said, I am thinking about taking it back to the LFS or trying another type of reef shrimp. Any suggestions?


New Member
I just got an BTA and I have noticed the same problem. Neither of my clowns are interested in the BTA, but the shrimp is constantly around the anemone. When I fed the anemone the shrimp stole the meat from the anemone and I had to take it away from the shrimp and then use my hand to keep the shrimp away while the BTA was eating the meat!


prob because they shrimp is hngry, my peppermint would always pick at me rock nem and after time it left it alone and i made sure i fed the shrimp, so maybe try that.


Feed your shrimp before you feed your anemone. I feed my anemones silversides and krill, so b4 I feed the anemones I give my flame shrimp a piece,and he leaves the anemones alone. IMO your shrimp was not picking on your anemone he was just hungry