Cleaner Shrimp (Male or Female?)

kung fu

Are they hermaphroditic? A lot of crustaceans like crayfish, lobsters, and shrimp are sexed by the first set of swimmerettes (gonopods).
At least I thought so...


Check out this link. <a href="" target="_blank">web page</a>


New Member
Be sure to check out the link above. I have 2 cleaner shrimp and both carry eggs. Tuesday night I was able to see the newly hatched babies about an hour or so after my lights went out. This was the first time I was able to see them. Before then, I couldn't tell when they are going to hatch so they were good food for my fish and corals. I had no way to care for them at the time so I did not try to remove them and they were all gone the next morning.
I am starting to figure out the routine and I think I am going to try to raise some. Pay close attention to the changes is the color of the eggs. When the eggs are hanging out between the swimmerettes and change from the green to a light grayish color, they are probably within a few days of hatching. Breeding seems to be easy(no special effort on my part, it just happened) raising the offspring, I don't know but I am going to try.
Hope this helps and good luck.


have seen posts on here where owners claimed to have had them for as long as 3 years...someone posted a really great site the other day about breeding cleaner had a URL w/ the information given & great developmental stage pictures a search for breeding cleaner shrimp over seven day period; should pull it up