Cleaner Shrimp messin with coral!!


New Member
Hey guys,
My skunk cleaner shrimp is getting on my last nerve.
He's a cute little guy and he cleans up very well.... within the last couple days though, he's decided it's his job to get on top of my bubble coral and mess with it. I don't think he's actually picking at it or pinching it, but he runs his feelers all over it. Of course, the coral closes up as soon as he bothers it. Why would he be attempting to clean my coral?? Could he hurt/kill it? It's been doing so well in my tank, I'll cry if he hurts it! Any advice is appreciated!


Active Member
My cleaner shrimp picks at my bubble coral after I feed it (the coral) and steals it's food.


Active Member
thats what my cleaner shrimp did with my anemone. always took its food and always made it close up


Active Member
my old cleaners did that with an anemone but one day i cant find the shrimp and then all of a sudden the anemone spits out a cleaner shrimp shell and i was thinking that they deserved it.
but now i hate the new ones i have, they only come out at night, during the day they stay under a rock close to the sand so i cant see them and they never come out to clean the fish.
has that happened to anyone else?