Cleaner Shrimp missing...


OK. So last night...everythere was the tank that is. Everyone was eating, and happy. Then when I come home from work, I cant find it. NO WHERE to be seen. My best guess is that something happened to it last night. Also in the tank I have a Blood Red Fire Shrimp, and a Serpent Star, 2 clowns, 2 green chromises. ...Where is the cleaner???


Dead, eaten, or hiding. Brittle star could have eaten it, though I'm not sure if the type you have eats shrimp. If your tank is larger than 20 gallons or so, it's entirely possible that it's just not currently visible.


very true, but I dont have a brittle star fish. Both star and cleaner shimp have been in take togeter for over 4 monthes. The cleaner my knowledge was happy, and eating....sigh n e other thoughts???


Active Member
Could be hiding. I bought one yesterday and *just* caught a glimpse of it tonight peeking out of the rocks when the lights went out. If your params are ok and you don't think anyone ate it just keep an eye out for it.


The shrimp could be hiding. How long have you had him? Nothing in your tank would eat a healthy cleaner shrimp. They can move through a water column quickly and with ease. They do hide after a molt while their new shell hardens. Have you checked your water quality? What is your SG?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Could be hiding. Shrimp hide after a molt for instance.
My banded shrimp just molted for the first time and was hiding out in the LR for a few days. When doing some maintenance on my tank this morning, I saw my sally lightfoot crab fot the first time in a week. I am always amazed how fish and inverts can hide in my 55 fish only tank, only to show up again later after I had given them up for dead/eaten.