Cleaner shrimp molting


Active Member
My cleaner shrimp just molted for the second time in the past month so I'm happy that he is doing well since I have been upgrading my tank with, basically, mo' betta maintenance.
I wonder, just how big can these guys get and how long can they live? Mine keeps soliciting my fish but only the maroon clowns have been even slightly interested in his services. Check out his long antennae!


Active Member
I have 2 that are over 2 years old and they are easily 3 inches. And yes, their antennae are very, very long. This is what they use to intice the fish towards them. My 2 fireshrimp are about the same size, maybe 1/2inch smaller, but bulkier and also 2 yrs old.
Depending on the fish in your tank, I have found that only my large fish actually use them to clean them. Keep up the good work on the maintenance of the tank, and yours will live a good long time. I have a friend that has one that is going on 6 yrs. Not sure if this is the norm, but I do feel that keeping up on basics of a tank will only insure that it lives a good life.


New Member
Originally Posted by Anonome
Depending on the fish in your tank, I have found that only my large fish actually use them to clean them.

i second that. i was a little down because they were only cleaning two of my fish, but after a while i noticed they are the only two large fish i have.
perhaps with time they may become more comfortable, how long have they been in the tank?


Active Member
The molted shell fell off the LR on to the tank bottom and the hermits are eating it. I knew I had them around for something!