cleaner Shrimp or wrasse?


Weel they are both relatively easy to keep.What else do you have in your tank?I know when I had anemones they would eat my shrimp.


i don't have anomone...
i have lemon peel angel...maroon my 30g tank..
ah i also have blue & red leg hermit crabs..
they are not going to attack shrimp...are they? thank you.~


I would say the shrimp to be less hardy, but if your tank water is good your not going to have problems with either.
What kind of wrasse? The blue cleaners are great.
6 line are very hardy but aren't as active in the cleaning of parasites as the blues.


i was going to say exactly as trey. if none of your fish have parasites then there is a good chance that your cleaner wrasse will starve. there is a previous post about this subject and a person said that if you got one from a certain area than they would live but i cant remember where it is. maybe either someone else will know or you could do a search.


shrimp won't fight with hermit crabs?
i used to have small hermit crabs which eaten by bigger and stronger blue & red leg hermit crabs....


Don't get the cleaner wrasse, they should stay in the Ocean. Like Trey said they are hard to feed. The shrimp are actually really hardy, nothing but good experinces with cleaner shrimp with me, and my hermits don't bother them at all. They are really fun to watch too.


If you mean cleaner wrasse for shrimp or wrasse than get the cleaner shrimp. A cleaner wrasse doesn't live for that long. Cleaner shrimp are real easy to keep as long as you don't have fish that will eat them-like wrasses. I've had both and the shrimp is the way to go.


Another vote for cleaner shrimp over a cleaner wrasse. Although they are a beautiful fish, Trey said it best: they do much better in the ocean! Plus you get the bonus of knowing your shrimp will be a great addition to a clean-up crew if he runs out of fish to clean.
Im still pretty new at all this but from what I can tell about the hermits is they fight(and kill) each other over the shells!
Good luck!


Active Member
Get the cleaner shrimp!!! They do a great job and are alot of fun to watch. :) As the others have said, the wrasse will probably not survive very long.

New Member
Well let me tell you that the only reason most of my fish died was becuase I wouldnt treat my tank with copper. I know about garlic but that cleaner shrimp has been through extreme water conditions and survived. Even though my lfs said it would be the first to go. That is why I named him Rich(winner of the 1st surviver)hahahaha.
My point is go with a shrimp....