cleaner shrimp & peppermint shrimp



have anybody breed those shrimps and successfully raise the fry to adult???? i was thinking about setting up the 10 gallons tank for the shrimps breeding. i put one of my peppermint shrimp in a big plastic bottle, and i didn't know when it hatch so, all die hehehehe. i am just asking, is it worth the trouble? will any of them survive.

kris walker

Active Member
If you want a tank for that purpose only, I would use your 10 gal, put only LR in it with sand substrate, no powerheads, and one airstone for water circulation. Before I put the shrimp in there, I would use a mechanical filter to clean up the water for a couple of days, then remove filter and add shrimp. You don't want any powerheads/pumps/filters that could kill the babies.


i ran across this article that may help u out im sure it would be about the same for cleaners also
<a href="" target="_blank">how to raise peppermint shrimp</a>