Cleaner Shrimp Scare!

As stated in another post, I added a cleaner shrimp and an ocellarius clown yesterday. Today, my husband found what appeared to be a dead shrimp. After freaking out, we found that this was only a shell left after the shrimp molted.
Is it normal for a shrimp to molt so quickly after entering a tank?
How often do they molt?
Should I remove the shell from the tank or allow the crabs to continue picking away at it?
Please advise.


It would depend on when the last time it molted was (unless they molt from stress which I don't think they do). The cleaner I had molted every few months or so. If you leave the shell in, the crabs will make quick work of it, or you can simply remove it. Just your preference. I have not had any negative experiences lettine the shell break down in the tank.


Active Member
I have found shrimps molt pretty quick after introducing them to a new system. Then it depends on how fast they grow.


I had a shrimp molt in transit. I expect that after a period of time I will see a basic trend in how often these guys molt.
My shrimp stays hiding in the live rock, making an appearance every now and then. How do I feed him or will he continue eating "stuff" off of the LR?


don't feed him. He will find food at night, unless you have a very clean tank. I started feeding mine and they are not cleaner shrimp anymore, but lazy bums who sit around and wait for fish food. If you feel that he may not be getting enough food, I feed mine with cocktail shrimp from a store. They love it.

blue dew

I added two Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp to my tank about a month ago. One molted the first night, and the other one molted the following evening. Freaked me out too...

sinner's girl

leave the shell in...I read somewhere the the shell had stuff that was good for the clean up crew to eat.
we had a camel back shrimp for a year, and i never saw him molt...if he did, the clean up crew got to the shell before I saw it.


My cleaner shrimp molted in the bag on the way to my house from swf! Looked like I had gotten a bonus shrimp! :D


i swear, i think my cleaner shrimp molts once a week! I just leave it in there and my hermit crabs eat it. He really is getting big! -Tara


Hey, I have a question about camel shrimp... I just got one 2 weeks ago, and he's always hiding.. i can see him, but he's hiding in the back of the tank. I' sure he's eating (brine when i feed my fish), but never actually seen him eat. does anyone think there might be something wrong with him?
PH: 8.2
Nitrites: 0
Ammo.: 0
Nitrates: 5ppm
Salinity: 1.024
10 Gal w/ crushed coral, LR, 1 CC starfish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 perc clown, a handful of turbo snails & 3 hermit crabs - thanks for any advise! - Tara