Cleaner Shrimp what to feed?


I just bought a cleaner shrimp and at the store they told me to feed him pellets. I did not buy anything yet wanted to get on here and get a overall opinion. He has grabbed some flake food and some of the marine cuisine. Should i get some pellets for him? or should i just stick with what i have seen him eat so far? Its only been 24hrs.


Active Member
i think he will eat mostly any food ur fish dont eat, and maybe some algae. the guy at ur lfs probably just wanted u to buy more stuff from him.


My cleaner shrimp likes flakes, brine shrimp and when i feed my chocolate chip star fish some real shrimp, sometimes my cleaner shrimp will jump for it and take out of my hands. He freaks out when he gets piece of to see him go at it