cleaner shrimp with a sfe


Ok, i have a cleaner shrimp with my chainlink eel and he does a great job at cleaning him. Now,if i put a sfe in with the cleaner shrimp will the sfe eat the cleaner?

nm reef

Active Member
I don't keep eels...but I'd think either eel could make a quick meal of a shrimp...if it decided to do so.


but its a cleaner shrimp. All the info i found says that they are lurking around a eels home waiting to be clean. But then i herd of a snowfalke eel that will eat any invert no matter what its doing.


my eel never bothered my cleaner shrimp just the trigger decided one day to destroy him but i had him for quit a while so i got my moneys worth


Depends on the eel. In your case a sfe and chainlink are invert eaters-take a look at their teeth; they are used for crushing exoskeletons. Now say you have a zebra moray it is a fish eater-I think- and he may not harm it because he eats fish. My lfs has a huge green moray and grouper together and their is a cleaner shrimp but the eel is a fish eater and he is about 5 ft long so eating a cleaner would be like eating popcorn.


actually zebras aren't fish eaters probably the best one to put in a fish only system so it doesn't bother them


actually zebras aren't fish eaters probably the best one to put in a fish only system so it doesn't bother them
Ok maybe I was thinking of a tesselata (sp).