cleaner shrimp with Trigger fish


New Member
Does anybody have cleaner shrimp with triggers? I want to get a couple cleaner shrimp but I am afraid my picaso trigger will eat them. I have a clown trigger but it's pretty mellow. I had a cleaner wrasse for 7 years with the clown trigger but within a couple days of the picaso getting in the tank it ate it. That was about 3 years ago and the picaso has just gotten worse.


Active Member
I have a niger trigger with a c banded and a pep shrimp no probs YET
they have been together for several months


Active Member
You can keep cleaner shrimp with some triggers but they have to be added first or added late at night so the trigger doesn't snatch it up but there's always a chance of being eaten.


Shrimp to a trigger is lunch waiting to happen. They may be fine while the fish is small. Cleaners move quickly. Cleaners are pricey as well. Just know that shrimp are on the list of dietary suppliments for triggers, along with urchins, and stars.


My trigger loved to be cleaned by the shrimp for some reason, I acutally had a problem w/ a clown pair I used to have pickin on the shrimp (go figure
). But two factors I would consider are size and attitude. Plus, if you forget a feeding or the triggers get hungry, you just gave them a $20 meal