Cleaner Shrimp/Wrasse with Shark, etc.


Just curious if anyone has used cleaner shrimp and cleaner wrasse with their aggressive fish, particularly sharks. As I understand these animals, most other preditors forego eating them because of the benefit they provide.
Also, has anyone had one of these animals set up a cleaning station in a large tank?


When I got my epaullette, I read that it was beneficial to have a cleaner wrasse because often parasites live in their gill slits. I bought a cleaner wrasse at the same time. That wrasse was eaten during the first night.
With regards to a cleaner shrimp, my shark has been fed ghost shrimp at times so I'm sure he'd eat a cleaner shrimp.


Active Member
I've had postive and negative experiences. I think in part it may depend on how you add them. Once, my manager, threw in some cleaner wrasse into an "Indo" tank with larger fish (heniochus, miniatus grouper, tusk....) and BAM that thing was gone (grouper didn't look twice). That was a bad plan. However, there was another grouper tank with lots of very large grouper including 2 goliaths (which were several feet long at the time) and some neon gobies just waltz all over them. It is a great sight to see!
Don't think I've had them in with sharks though.


I've seen a Green Moray let a cleaner shrimp get into the mouth and clean with out the eel swallowing it. You've made a good point. I wonder if the cleening wrasses/shrimp were already established in the tank instead of the preditors already being established and used to being fed, if it could work out. Hmmmm...