cleaner shrimp

fish mann

how effective are cleaner shrimp? and would you rather do that than set up a hospital tank for jus tone fish? HELP? please give me a heads up on this one


Cleaner shrimp are more of a preventative measure than a cure. They are helpful, but I wouldn't consider them a replacement for a QT tank.

fish mann

what do you suggest that i do? because i cant treat my tank with copper becasue of the rock and inverts that i have in there now.. and i have a small tank that i can use for QT, but i am no tsure i fi have afilter for that tank.. waht are some other suggestions on howto go about taking care of the one fish in my tank with ich? it's just one fish that is infected, not all of them..


I just went through this with my fish this week (with tragic results).
All of your fish are infected whether they are showing it or not.
I would recommend removing your live rock into a bucket of moving water and perform Hypo in your main tank.
Remove inverts too. Search for hyposalinity instructions in the treatment section and good luck!