Cleaner Shrimp


Okay, so I got a skunk cleaner shrimp yesterday and put him in my DT after a 2-3hr drip acclimation. He ate some frozen formula 2 this morning and appears to be doing really well. I have a sixline wrasse and 2 perc clownfish and was wondering when he might perform the cleaner function on them. They seem to be real interested in him and he waves his antenna to touch them but they do not get to close. The only problem I see is he is twice as big as any one of my 3 fish. Do you think they will let him clean them?


Active Member
the only fish mine ever cleaned is my angel, I have an angel 2 clowns and a twinspot hogfish(wrasse family).


Some cleaner shrimp actually never start cleaning fish but it will take a few days if not weeks for the shrimp to feel comfortable enough to clean the fish. ( If it actually does start cleaning.)


Active Member
My cleaner shrimp doesnt even clean himself, it is really hit or miss, if your tank is set up for it you might want to try a neon goby, NOW THIS LITTLE GUY CLEANS!


My cleaner shrimp cleans everything even my hand when I do tank cleaning.
He even trys to clean my flame shrimp.
Who gets so mad that he hides for two days.


Active Member
I have found that cleaner shrimp will only clean fish that are large. My smaller fish in the tank, besides the lawnmower blenny, will not venture toward the shrimp. However, the larger fish are frequent at their cleaning station.


Nice to meet a fellow SW Hobbist from IOWA where are u from im in Chariton.
I would say its a 60% he ll start cleaning for u in 3 weeks or maybe sonner or he might be a lazy butt and never do anything


That was on of my ? for you im out of chariton. Lets see Adams Aquatics theres 3 petcos up there and 2 other privately owned ill try to get them next time at ***** ill ask the guy. I never been to adams but they say its a little pricey there. What are some u know of. I get my stuff threw one of the petcos the one one Bufulo road off of I235 there aquatics staff know what there doing 2 older guys been in the hobby for some time. I got a few good deals from one of them.


Ur the first on my buddy list
maybe we can excange frags in the far future
il try to check out adams and let u know what i think of them


My shrimp only cleans my tang and my trigger. He cleans my trigger sonstantly, even in his mouth. He also loves to clean any new rocks or corals I put in there. He also cleans my hands and digs under my fingernails.


Active Member
cleaner fish generally dont clean fish as small as sixlines and perc clowns nor do those particular fish allow themselves to be cleaned. Hell the wrasse would like to have it for dinner if it could downsize it. You need bigger fish like tangs or angels. skunk cleaners rarely wont clean a large fish that goes in for a cleaning, its instinctual. fire shrimps and others classified as cleaners generally dont have the same drive to clean.