Cleaner Shrimp


Can I have a Cleaner Shrimp in my fish only tank? I have non-aggressive little fish. If so, what would it eat.


Staff member
You can certainly have a cleaner shrimp in your tank and they will eat just about anything you give it. One thing to always keep in mind when keeping invertebtates in a tank with fish is that if your fish ever get sick and you want to medicate them, you will not be able to put medication in the tank that houses invertebrates. I would suggest using a UV sterializer as a means of preventing disease, especially when mixing inverts with fish.
[This message has been edited by beth (edited 03-10-2000).]

the rock

the rock says...
cleaner shrimp are the best!! they are gorgeous, active, and do a tremendous job of cleaning the fish of any parasites, they are an absolute must, if they are introduced early many aggressive fish will actually not harm them as they know they are there to serve a purpose, but this is a toss up. if you have non aggressive fish, you definately should buy a few, this site has them very cheap