Cleaner Shrimp's Bio load contibution?


New Member
I have a Biocube 14 FOWLR (about 2 months old). Currently, I have a yellow tail damsel & royal gramma plus clean up crew( hermits & snails). What is the bio load contribution of a cleaner shrimp if I were to add him to the tank? Is it equivalent to a small fish? Just wanted to make sure before i added one.


Active Member
I too am relatively new, but I don't think a cleaner shrimp will add to the bio load, but only help.
I and a bunch over other 12 gallon owners have cleaner or fire shrimp with cleaner crews and 2 to 3 fish.
I hope this helps.


Active Member
From what I understand, and I could be dead wrong, inverts add virtually nothing to the bioload. Like SigmanChris said, they will help as they are scavengers. I'm interested to see what others say.


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
From what I understand, and I could be dead wrong, inverts add virtually nothing to the bioload. Like SigmanChris said, they will help as they are scavengers. I'm interested to see what others say.