cleaner wrass


New Member
i have a tank that has ben st up and established for over 5 years for 5 years i had a maroon clown in it that is vary aggresive. 2 month ago i added a

trigger, sailfin tang, and spotted grouper. after a few day they all started getting along great. I would like to ad a cleaner wrass. the grouper is 5 inches and eats frozen krill. I would like anyones opnion about adding a wrass and how it would be recived. This is 35 or 40 gal tank with lots and lots of rocks for all the fish to go in and out of. would a cleaner wras make it????


No! cleaner wrasses do not do well in captitvity i have not haerd one case of them living for even 3months and i have asked lots of people about these guys
i relly like them too bad :(