SO I GOT A cleaner wrass a while ago and now he picks on my sting ray and chases him and my blonde naso, he also chases a huge blue jaw dose any one else have this problem how would i get him out, i have a 200 gallon
Is he eating at all? From my understanding most don't survive long as they starve in the home aquarium. He might be chasing them trying to find parasites/etc to eat off of them.
Is it actually attacking them or trying to "clean" them?
There is a fish that looks very similar to the cleaner wrasse that will fight with the fish rather than cleaning them, so maybe you got stuck with one of them...
im not sure because when i 1st got him he was cleaning evey one besides my volition and stingray but now he picks on the sting ray and all of my fish any ideas on getting him out????