Cleaner Wrasse Care


Active Member
I bought what I thought was a "Two Tone" wrasse. After noticing that it was different colors than the picture, I researched and am positive it is a cleaner wrasse. It is blue and black with a whitish belly like all the pictures I've seen online of the cleaner. I have read from several aquarium sites that the chances of even midterm survival is nill, that they all die within a few weeks at most. The exception was the very large public tanks. Anyone have experience with these cleaner wrasses? My 125 gal probably won't cut it, but I'm willing to try just about anything to give the fish a chance.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist , I've had my cleaner wrasse for almost two years , and its still alive . I went on vacation to Florida last week , came back from tropical storm Faye , and all 12 of my fish are still alive ,which include my cleaner wrasse . Is it possible for a cleaner wrassse be kept alive in a closed system ? Yes


Active Member
some cleaner wrasses will actually become accepting of alternative foods, but they are the minority. These fish feed exclusively on parasites, and necrotic tissue of other fish, and they are likely better left in the ocean.


Originally Posted by Pastor B.
Dear hobbyist , I've had my cleaner wrasse for almost two years , and its still alive . I went on vacation to Florida last week , came back from tropical storm Faye , and all 12 of my fish are still alive ,which include my cleaner wrasse . Is it possible for a cleaner wrassse be kept alive in a closed system ? Yes

If you have had one alive for 2 years tell us what you did and what it eats. That would help out more that just saying you've kept one alive for 2 years.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyists',what I did was ,I went to a lfs and asked a question like , how long did you have the cleaner wrasse ? And when I got it home, I acclimated my cleaner wrasse slowly and that was it . The cleaner wrasse started picking parasites off of my fish ,and started eating brine shrimp and mini krill . Thats it! I went to Florida last week for vacation only to get rained on by tropical storm Faye
.When we got back ,the vacation feeder was still working
,and all of my fish were still alive