cleaner wrasse


Active Member
so far ive had 2 cleaner wrasse in my tank. one i had in during the summer, and he died within 2 days, i just bought another one and i wake up this morning to go to school and hes dead, he only lived like 3 days. i thought that these guys would be a good addition to my tank cause they would keep my other fish healthy, but they just keep dieing. they eat fine, even more than my angel and damsels, and they look healthy but then they just drop dead. are these guys hard to keep, or am i just having bad luck with them?


I've heard they are hard to keep because the only thing they eat are the parasites on the other animals. I could be wrong though. Maybe someone with more experience will know more.


Active Member
They are pretty difficult to keep. Sometimes they can be weaned to eat frozen foods but often they will not and there are not enough parasites to keep it fed. Keep in mind, though that they do play dead sometimes, especially when stressed. Be careful before assuming that the fish is actually dead.


Active Member
he was definetly dead, but the night before he spun that cottony stuff around him and i thought he was dead, but he was still kinda wiggling around so i knew he wasnt. he was eating frozen brine, live brine, and flake food. i really have no idea why he died, he seamed to be doing fine.


Active Member
Cleaner Wrasse Dont Ship Very Well, They Are A Difficult Fish To Keep Because Of Their Diet Like Crimzy Said They Should Not Be Collected For The Hobby