

We have a 120 FO tank that has one neon goby and one lawnmower blenny. We continue to have algea on the tank glass. Any suggestions on what and how many cleaners we need? The other fish at this time include 1 Naso Tank, and 2 clowns. We also have 4 anemonies(sp). Thanks for your input.


Active Member
trochus snails, or maybe turbos(but they are more likely to wind up dead, or run out of gas, slowing down)


Active Member
Turbo and a few other snails are great at cleaning algae from the glass.
I would say get at least 20 or maybe a few more for a tank that size.
I am new at this so take my advice with that in mind, but, from what I have read you should have 1 crab and 1 snail for every 2-3 gallons. That is what I have ordered to put in my tank for clean up.


Heavenly Damsel is right about one snails/ crab per 1-2 gallons. But since your algae problem is on the glass, the crabs won't be able to help you much. Get the snails, they're helpful and fun to watch. Trochus is good, because they can flip themselves upside down when they're turned upside down (falling from the glass). Other snails cannot, and you have to help flip them over when that happened, to keep them alive. I have astrea snails.
Another option, get that magnet cleaner to clean the glass :D . How long do you keep your lights on anyway? Any excess nutrient? Because those might cause you algae.


I think that if you give your tank more that 10 hours of light per day, youre encouraging algae growth. 8-10 hours is good.