Originally Posted by fedukeford
id say 70 turbo snails, 50 mini bluleg hermits, 2 cleaner shrimp , 3 emerald crabs, and more if you want
Dont you think 70 is alittle overboard for a 90? I have a 90 and 10 are more then anough, I got them when they were about 1/2" and are now around 1-1/2". And you see them all the time just seems 70 turbos would be a bit overkill and a eye sore..... JMO. My cleaner crew in my 90 is 10 turbos, 10 nassurius, 10 blue legged hermits, 10 scarlet hermits, cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, 3 pepperment shrimp, and 1 diamond watch goby.They all seem to do the job good.