Cleaning a tank


I just bought my 55 Gallon tank on E-Bay..... probably picking it up today! :jumping:
Anyway, the tank needs a very good cleaning. What things should I use to clean it? I am concerned that if I use some things, they will have future effects on my tank.


Active Member
Use water and vinegar. That is all and it will do a good job. Also sinc you bought it used make sure to do a leak test. I bought my tank used and the guy I bought it from said it did not leak, but why take the chance.


hum.. i know water and vinegar works but isnt it ' suppose' to be ok too if u use water a a lil of bleach?? ... i mean it originally came from the ocean...(well from what i read) im perdy shure it's ok.. (heh dats how i cleand my tank... and everything is ok.. i filled the 90 gal up and put in about 1 cup of bleach.. ) like i siad im not shure tho.. any 2nd thoughts?


Active Member
IMO white vinegar and water is the way to go .... just rinse well. Also if this tank was ever used for freshwater, be sure it was never treated with anything that contained copper. :D


Well... I got an even better deal. Bought a 55G with cabinetry and a bio-wheel (had new parts in the box), and a whole lot of other stuff. It looks like it was Freshwater. Anyhoo, I cleaned everything with vinegar and water. Looking good so far.....


Active Member
Water and vinegar is the way to go. You can use very dilute bleach as well, but you have to rinse that thing afterwards so well that it probably would have just saved time to scrub it harder with the vinegar.