cleaning a wet/dry


if you keep your prefilters clean, you shouldn't need to. cleaning them will remove the bateria from them, destroying your biofilter. If you feel the need, do no more than half at once.
if I were using one, I may consider doing it annually.


Clean your filters and sponges but not all on the same day. Watch your sump for a gray/white sludge. That is dead bacteria. If your Nitrates start to climb and you notice that regular water changes are not having as significant effect as they were before, then you might want to clean the gray stuff out. Clean half one week and then the other half maybe 10 - 14 days later. You shouldnt have to do this but maybe 1 a year unless you have a real high bio-load


if you got enought lr and a good skimmer you can do all at once i just did mine yesturday, i do it once a year