Cleaning agressive tank


I'm not too aware of agressive tanks and ive always wondered...if most of the fish will eat the inverts in ur tank that clean how do you keep the tank clean?


It depends on what type of fish. In our 240 gallon i have a Niger Trigger, Black Hawain Trigger, Goldentail eel, Sailfin Tang, and a Indigo Blue Hamlet. For a cleanup crew i have real large hermit crabs. I started off with 3 but now just have 1. The Black Hawain got two of them and then the Niger Trigger joined in. They have left this one hermit crab alone for awhile now, so i may add a few more that are a bit bigger and see how it goes.But alot of time you are the main clean up crew in a aggressive tank :)


I have an aggressive tank (220)
crabs and snails get picked off slowly.
the best cleaners are choc.chip starfish , red general stars ,and bahama stars
aggressive fish seem to leave them alone.
any other starfish may get eaten.
good uv sterilization and do not overfeed. keeps algae levels low.
other than that..... a good scraper and a large mag-float !


Originally Posted by stingrayman
I have an aggressive tank (220)
crabs and snails get picked off slowly.
the best cleaners are choc.chip starfish , red general stars ,and bahama stars
aggressive fish seem to leave them alone.
any other starfish may get eaten.
good uv sterilization and do not overfeed. keeps algae levels low.
other than that..... a good scraper and a large mag-float !

put a harlequin tusk in there and youll have starfish stew and a very very happy tusk fish in your 220


New Member
would a stick urchin survive in a FO tank? We have one in our reef tank and we want to boot it from there cause if a coral isnt glued down it will knock it down. Might think about a sea biscuit for cleaning the bottom too. Have one in our reef and probly will put one in aggresive tank also, they don't come above the substrate often so unlikely to get picked on. :thinking: