Cleaning Algae


I'm setting my 75g back up and its got alot of dry coralline and algae all over the glass walls. It is difficult to scrape w/ a razor blade and I was wondering if there is any type of solution that eases the process.


water, razor blade and some elbow grease.
never heard of a liquid that will help other than good ol H2O.


Originally Posted by tarhull87
I'm setting my 75g back up and its got alot of dry coralline and algae all over the glass walls. It is difficult to scrape w/ a razor blade and I was wondering if there is any type of solution that eases the process.
I had brown algae ALL OVER my tank, on the crushed coral, on the walls of the tank, on the rocks etc...
I added 5 snails, they started on the glass and in 2 to 3 days the front of the glass was clean. If you look closely, you could see their tracks. I then purchased 10 more snails but larger ones, and they attacked the back of the tank.
In a few days all the algae on the glass was gone. I moved the snails to a few of the rocks and they went to work there as well but at a much slower pace.
The only drawback is that I have crushed coral on the bottom. It seems they have a hard time moving around on the crushed coral. Sometimes they turn upside down (I dont know how) and cannot turn themselves over so I turn them over myself.