cleaning an empty tank


Hi everyone.
I'm trying to clean out my 65 gallon tank (empty right now). It's got some old dried up algea on the sides. What's the best way to get it as clean as possible besides good ol' fashion elbow grease? Any tips/tricks out there that has worked well?


New Member
You definitely have some work cut out for you. Try hot water and white vinegar. Use a razor with a handle (can be found at Home Depot or most any paint stores as window scrapers). I hope you have a lot of time and patience!!! Good luck.


Active Member
the truth is i used soap to clean my tank( not knowing it was bad) i rinsed it REALLY good and the fish have been livin for 1 year


i will 2nd the vinegar and razor blade idea. just be careful not to scratch up the tank with the blade. if the blade gets a knick on it it will scratch it all up. just go slow and change out the blades often and you should be fine.... best of luck!


Active Member
Yeah someone used steel wool on my tank before I had it and you can see the scratches really bad when it's empty. I used lots of water on one tank and the other sat really dirty for about six months and then all the algea came right off. Crazy, I'd put off cleaning it because of how much it was going to suck and it turned out better for me. Either way you do it, it smells terrible!!!