Cleaning behind your reef


I cant seem to clean behind my LR in my this going to be a problem? I have CC as a base....i wish i knew what i know now i would have put LS instead.
Do any of you clean behind your reef? I can only vacuum in the front of the tank....


With a sand bed their is generally no need to vacuum the substrate.
Placing a powerhead in the back, you can direct it to create water movement that will push uneaten food/waste out from behind to the front.


Active Member
I hired some brissle worms to clean around the rocks and in the sand. I really don't pay them, they work for free room and board! Lesley


Active Member
Just take a small power head and stick it back behind the rock every now and again to stir things up. Its a good idea to do it on your rocks every now and again as well. Just to get the dirt in suspension and possibly have it removed or placed in front of a good critter.


Active Member
if you have enough current/cleaners/live rock and sand in your tank, you generally wont need to clean behind the rocks....with crushed coral though its a little different...i would maybe plan on once every six months trying to get behind there with your gravel vac, maybe move half the rock one time, then half the other!
good luck