Cleaning Crew Options For The Aggressive Tank


New Member
I am in the process of cycling a 75 gallon FO tank. Upon it's completion, I first want to introduce a cleaning crew as I have already started to get some unsightly brown algae forming in my aqaurium as a result of the cycling process. Here is what I plan on stocking in stages.....
Domino Damsel 1 1/2"
Humbug Damsel 1 1/2"
Flame Hawkfish 2"
Bicolor Dottyback 2"
Picasso Trigger 2 1/2 to 3"
Pink Tail Trigger 2 1/2 to 3"
I am aware that some of these species (mostly the Triggers) will feed on some of the inverts. I am okay with that as most of the smaller crabs are fairly inexpensive. I look at it as hiring a maid to clean your house. Eventually as some of the crabs get picked off I will just purchase more to serve the vital purpose of tank maintenance. I am interested in adding other inverts such as snails, starfish, and possibly a cleaning shrimp since they help to prevent parasites on the fish. I was wondering what the people that house aggressive fish use to combat the maintenance problems such as algae and detritus. :notsure:


I have had a chocolat chip starfish in my tank with a coral cat and SFE and they never bother it. Before i bought the shark i also had a clown trigger and it picked at it once and when it realized it didnt taste good he left it alone. Whatever hermit crabs i ever have tried to add to any of my agressive tanks have slowly dissapeared, u will start to see claws laying around the tank. I am going to try and get an emerald crab for my tank, i will let u know how it goes


i dont know, i never had an algea problem, except once when my tank was in view of sunlight from a window, but since i moved it i never had a problem.


I have an aggressive FO tank. My niger and puffers will NEVER allow a clean-up crew. I introduce crabs once a month or so in hopes they can help with cleaning but they are quickly destroyed. The puffers are worse than the trigger but the trigger is a monster.
My advice is to run skimmers. I run 2 skimmers and they keep my numbers close to perfect.
I also have a foxface lo, which helps with algae.
hope that helps


clean up crew options and a trigger = full trigger run a uv and a good skimmer and ro water and u should be fine even run a refuge and that is all the combo I did and made a world of change in my tank I got tired of buying hermits snails and starfish to watch my trigger maul them up


New Member
Thanks Moto! I am in the process of cycling right now but have contemplated adding a UV if I can scrape up the funds. Can you tell me the positives of having a UV?


I am running 2 protein skimmer right now. it helps with the "messy eater" problem.
A foxface lo (foxface rabbitfish) is a bright yellow fish that grazes on Algae all day. It is never bothered by other fish because it is venomous. This adds a new dimension when you are cleaning (WHERE IS THE YELLOW GUY) but the positives outweigh the negative in my opinion. My wife loves this fish because of the pretty coloring.


uv does two things depending on your wattage and your flow rate you can control bacteria and algae and also kill parasites for ex. I broke my uv a couple of months ago and i got a ick out break i lost one fish but got my uv up and running after i order new parts and it with the help of some chemicals killed off the ick for a 75 run a 8 or 9 watt bulb with a maxi jet 400 and it will be fine try aqua uv sterilizers they have a 14 month lamp and an external wiper