Cleaning Crew question

I am going to beef up my cleaning crew for my 75g reef and am interested in getting either a couple of emerald crabs and or a sally lightfoot. What are some things that I should know about either or both of these crabs? Are the entirely reefsafe with corals and fish/shrimp?
Is one type preferable to the other??
Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Golgi Aparatus
I am going to beef up my cleaning crew for my 75g reef and am interested in getting either a couple of emerald crabs and or a sally lightfoot. What are some things that I should know about either or both of these crabs? Are the entirely reefsafe with corals and fish/shrimp?
Is one type preferable to the other??
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
if you were going to add one of those i would get the emerald. I know i read something bad about sally lightfoots but i dont remember what.. You can use the search button on the site and type in sally lightfoot and see what you can find out about them.


I read that sally lightfoots can get kind of a pain as they get older and bigger. I have two emeralds in my tank and love them. They just eat the junk on the rocks, and leave my snails alone. Every so often I will feed them a piece of a bay scallop and they seem to like that as well. The only issue I had was with the emeralds was that when I got one of them it ate a bit of the coraline I had on a rock. It hasnt done that since however.


Better forget about any freather dusters or clams while you are at it.
Either of which could be toast with emerald crabs in the vacinity.
Originally Posted by NOTSONOOB
Better forget about any freather dusters or clams while you are at it.
Either of which could be toast with emerald crabs in the vacinity.

What? So you are telling me that emerald crabs would attack my Crocea Clam?? Is that true?


i have five emralds and i have feather dusters and have had no prob with them so idk and i have no clams yet but i have never heard that b4 now


Mine killed all three of my feather dusters and I even tried to actively keep them feed. But who knows could just be the difference in the personality of each crab just like some fish.