Cleaning Crew With Aggressive Fish


Hi i have a 75gal. FOWLR tank
80 lbs LR with LS
I have currently have a Humu trigger 2 inch.
And have on my stock list
Some kind of eel
2 maroon clownfish
Yellow tang (for color)
Is it possible to add some kind of cleaning crew?
and i have to put in before the fish, right?


snails snail snails basically, most fish will leave snails alone purely and simply because its not worth the hassle. so yehh snails.
say 10x cerith
10 nassarius
5 nerite (i think thats wat their called)
they'll probably breed so dont go mad on buying snails. soon enough you'll have millions.
and, a humu humu with a lion is a bad idea. eventually, the trigger will nip at the lions fins and end up killing it


i have couple of turbo snails they don't seem to clean anything,
what about cleaner shrimp, wrasess?
a have heard that the trigger MIGHT go after the lion,
i will have to take that chance,
the trigger was before with small damsels and with a small hippo and he didn't bather them, he is very peaceful,
thanks, would like to hear any other suggestions,

small triggers

Active Member
UMMM the trigger will eventually go after the lions very pretty fins,,,they just do,, and as far as a clean up crew, NO SHRIMP will survive long, Triggers DO eat snails,,,,just not eveyday, and truthfully the best clean up crew is going to be you, if you dont want to keep replacing things they eat...I have a 150g with (now) only 3 triggers, a hawkfish, a kole tang and 2 maroon clowns about 10 snails, i have to buy 10 new ones about every 6 months,,, so not to bad...Im not sure about yellow tangs, but my kole tangs loves to scoure the rock work for algae,, and that is very helpful!


Active Member
We can't say ALL triggers go after lions, however the odds are great that they will. My husband kept more then one trigger with his volitans for 10 years. The Trigger should have gone in last. That's gonna be a problem, IMO.
All shrimp are out.
Your trigger will most likely eat all snails, crabs and shrimp as he gets bigger.
The snails would be safe with the lion and eel... depending on which eel you choose.
Unless you have this thing for clownfish... I would ditch them. They get huge and are meaner then heck. If you get a pair that produces eggs, they are going to be a handful in such a small tank.
I personally think a 75g is a squeeze for that stocklist.


Active Member
.........and while a big female maroon is one mean fish, a large lion can eat a male maroon. A mated pair is the only way you can keep two maroons. A dwaf lion should be okay with the clowns. I'm also on the side the will never keep a Huma with any lion, its only a matter of time; and I agree that you're really pushing the limits of a 75. Also, with a Huma, the CUC will probably be you. A CUC is not vital anyway; I've never kept any inverts in my fish-only tanks; except as food.


thanks for your replies, i appreciate your advice,
its saves me alot of time and money to figure this out,
maybe you guys can help me to build my tank,
you know my taste...
the only fish I'm not settling for is the, lion and ell,
i would appreciate if i will be able to add some kind of cleaning crew,
thanks again.