cleaning crew


Active Member
How big does my cleaning crew have to be? I was thinking of getting:
1 cleaner shrimp
1 scarlet hermit crab
2 snails.
I'm getting a 12 gal aqua pod. I'm going to start off with LR and LS to cycle. I put the cleaning crew in after it cycles, right? Then eventually (over time) I will get 1or 2 fish (lemon goby & a clown), Hary green mushroom, green star polyp, blue palm, true tonga purple mushroom, leather coral and maybe an frog spawn or an anemone. Will I need a biger cleaning crew or will that be fine? :notsure:


is this for a 12g? if it is a 12g this is what i would suggest:
4 astreas
1 turbo
6 nassarius
2 scarlet reef hermits
1 cleaner shrimp