Cleaning Crew????


Started a 10 Gallon FOWLR ...Things going great far

Have 1 Royal Gamma and a Yellow Tailed Blue Damsell....7lbs of live rock
2 Astral Snails and 2 Blue Legged Hemit Crabs...very,very tiny.. I dont over feed the fish but if they dont get it before it hits the sand they wont eat it even if its right in front of my question is what other cleaners can I get to help out?
Was thinking maybe a Queen Conch or Emerald Crab ( Both Avalible @ LFS) Thanks


the problem with snails and hermits is that those hermits are going to need new shells...and guess where they get them from
... i would keep the snails you have, maybe add a turbo snail and a nassarius(hope i spelled that right), and throw in an emerald crab. emeralds are cool until you add corals, but i think u mentioned it was FOWLR. my emerald knocked everything over


Active Member
here is what i've learned from snails vs. hermits, get them completely different sizes, or get Cowries, they have wicked shells that hermits can't take becuz they're liek sharp and stuff, you'll have to look it up, but i have a blue leg that is half the size of all my other snails and it doesn't hurt them, i had a scarlet that killed 7 turbos, but they were roughly the same size